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Submission Guidelines

Must be a current CNM student to submit.

Please e-mail us at with any questions or to submit. The submission deadline for the Spring 2019 issue is February 4th. Our estimated publication date is late April 2019. 



For written submissions, please supply your name and contact information on the header of each page of your submission.

Poetry: No more than three poems, five pages maximum, Times New Roman font.  Please attach submission(s) to e-mail  as a Word document labeled as follows: POETRY [Your Full Name]. Fill out subject line of e-mail as follows: Poetry Submission [Your name].

Short fiction: Up to two stories, ten pages maximum. Story should be double-spaced and in Times New Roman font. Please attach submission(s) to e-mail as a Word document labeled as follows: FICTION.[Your Full Name]. Fill out subject line of e-mail as follows: Fiction Submission [Your name].

Creative non-fiction: Up to two stories, ten pages maximum. Pieces must be double-spaced and in Times New Roman font.  Please attach submission(s) to e-mail as a Word document labeled as follows: CNF.[Your Full Name]. Fill out subject line of e-mail as follows: CNF Submission [Your name].

Visual Art:  Accepting submissions in any medium as long as you can photograph it well. (drawing, painting, photography, graphic design, sculpture,wire work, jewelry, mixed media, etc) Submit photos of work via email in a jpeg- file labeled as follows: ART.[Your Full Name]. Fill out subject line of e-mail as follows: ART Submission [Your name] Up to three pieces. No original jpeg(s), please; we do not return work. Fine art submissions: include a list of your medium(s) in the body of submission e-mails. TITLE YOUR WORK.

Tips for submissions

  • If submitting more than one work, please label them 1, 2, or 3 as your attachments.

  • If submitting in more than one field, i.e. art, and poetry, please send separate e-mails for each submission.

  • Fine art submissions: show off your work to the best of your ability. Take the highest quality photo you can.

  • Content: the content of your College level works can be real world issues, thoughts, and observations. Make people think or give them something pretty to look at or read, either option works.



The best advice when thinking about works you would like to submit but may be doubting yourself. Do you love it? Is it interesting or beautiful or both? Does it push boundaries to make to the viewer/reader think? Is it finished? If the answer is yes to all the above or most of the above GO FOR IT! We’ll be happy to consider your work, see your view of the world and present that view to others.


Let’s create something wonderful and exciting!

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